Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Rose(ie) by Any Other Name.....

J has a friend "A" who also happens to have a dog named Rosie. Rosie is about 10 months old and is a Boston Terrier. J's friend and her family also have 2 kids (the 2 legged kind). Rosie (the terrier) doesn't look anything like me (a golden retriever) but we both have fabulous names and are both very smart and beautiful girls (if I say so myself - BOL!)..... We both also seem to like taking baths. The other evening Rosie (the terrier) was watching A's daughter take a bath. She started whining and whining - A couldn't figure out what was happening - it suddenly dawned on her that she wanted to jump in the bubblebath. So - in she went!! OMG, OMG! The pictures are priceless so J asked if we could share them on our blog. One picture is the "girls" in the tub and the other picture is also so darn cute - Rosie (the terrier) and A's daughter sleeping on the bed. I told J she has to thank A and family (and especially their Rosie) for allowing us to share this great story and these wonderful pictures. Barks and kisses from me - Rosie (the Golden.....) :)

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